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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Protein ,No Beef "BURGER"

100 % no beef ..but taste real burger/good for your diet
This food is good  for Muscle building and those who don`t eat animal meat like me.,you can also make a hamburger with this.just use whole wheat bread.....

1 cup oatmeal..the plain one.
i small canned non oil can use fresh fish also..just need hand effort
2 native egg/we don't use the red yolk
Olive oil/ just use any healthy oil..for diet concern
black pepper
cayenne pepper./{ optional.}..i don`t use salt ,but its up to you according. to your taste
and for side dish..anything you want ..lettuce.cucumber.tomato..but i prepared this time pickled Japanese cucumber ,parsley and sliced carrot ..

For the sauce....its also according to your can pour a catsup or barbeque or hamburger sauce.
you can make your own sauce or buy in your near grocery store....but for me i dont use any sauce or dressing...for a big reason...


  i think it is easy just mix or combine them together..and blend them all the can use your hand...just make sure you wash them..then make a burger shape or use a spoon when ready to fry ..
 ..heat the olive oil in a frying pan then just let the burger fry until they cook well.. ..and if its done ,you then go and ready to serve ,so enjoy eating..

to show you how i made my burger..please watch my video tutorial..